Home     J Mitra Hcv Gen 4 Ag & Ab Microlisa

J Mitra Hcv Gen 4 Ag & Ab Microlisa

J Mitra Hcv Gen 4 Ag & Ab Microlisa

2400 ₹ 2400

HCV Gen4 Ag & Ab Microlisa is an in vitro qualitative enzyme immunoassay for the detection of anti-HCV antibodies and core antigen in human serum or plasma. It is intended for screening of blood donors and for clinical diagnostic testing.

Salient Features

  • 4th Generation ELISA Test.
  • Detection of HCV Core Antigen and Antibodies to HCV(Core ,NS3,NS4 & NS5) in Human serum/Plasma
  • Significant reduction in window period by 5-7 weeks
  • Detects all 11 HCV Genotypes
  • Colour coded reagents to monitor the procedural steps
  • Assay procedure: 150 minutes
  • Use of only 1 Enzyme Conjugate
  • Shelf life : 24 months at 2-8°C.
  • NIB Evaluated with 100% Sensitivity and Specificity
  • Easy to use on automated and semi-automatic processor
  • Indigenously developed kit and more suitable for Indian Population.

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